The USA Hockey national website offers the most comprehensive, up to date information on how to become registered as a new official.
Use the link below to check your current season registration status in the USA Hockey Courses System.
The following tips will help to speed your officiating registration for the upcoming season.
Required yearly training for complete registration as an official.
Required bi-yearly screening for complete registration as an official.
All new officials who are 18 years of age or older need to be screened by Verified Volunteers before they can begin officiating. Officials over the age of 14 who reside in Pennsylvania or officiate in Pennsylvania must also be screened for Pennsylvania Act 15 compliance before they can begin officiating. This means you may need to complete both screening programs before you begin officiating games.
All returning officials must be screened by Verified Volunteers every two years. The deadline for returning officials to obtain this screening is November 30.
All returning officials 14 years of age or older who reside in or officiate in Pennsylvania must be screened for Pennsylvania Act 15 compliance every 60 months or five years. The deadline is before you officiate your first game in Pennsylvania if you have never completed Act 15 screening before, or 60 months after the oldest of your three screenings currently in effect was issued.
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